Ecuador's New Penal Code Would Violate Internet Privacy
October 21, 2013
SourceThe ‘Open Letter to President Rafael Correa and Assembly Members on Internet Privacy and the Draft of the Integral Organic Penal Code,’ published on citizen media and various blogs, states, among other things, the following: We urge the National Assembly and the Government of Ecuador to make the proposed law compatible with international human rights standards, in order to safeguard privacy, freedom of expression, and freedom of association with the greatest rigor, in the context of strengthening the democratic system in accordance with the International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance.
En busca de las armas de vigilancia masiva
November 9, 2013 - by La Nación (Ariel Torres).
SourceNota dedicándole al escándalo de la vigilancia digital de la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad (NSA, por sus siglas en inglés) de Estados Unidos.
En defensa de la privacidad
August 19, 2013 - by Editorial La Nación.
SourceLa privacidad es el derecho a salvaguardar lo que es íntimo, es un ámbito particular y personal sobre el que las personas tienen derechos. Jurídicamente, implica la defensa de datos e información propios que puedan ser usados con fines no declarados y empleados por entidades públicas o privadas con diversos objetivos. Es evidente que la protección de ese derecho se ha ido exponiendo cada vez a mayores riesgos de ser vulnerada con el avance de la tecnología en las comunicaciones, sumado a que la cuestión ahora también se plantea en una dimensión global. El conocimiento de las conductas ajenas adquiere relevancia, pues permite anticiparse y controlar sus efectos con fines que pueden ser bélicos, terroristas o políticos, pero que mayoritariamente involucran a la vida individual, familiar o social poniendo en jaque contenidos propios de la esfera personal que, como tal, debe ser respetada y preservada
Espionaje y derechos humanos: los límites a la intromisión de la intimidad
August 4, 2013 by Gemma Galdon Clavell.
SourceDespués del escándalo de PRISM y de la incapacidad de los estados para proteger los datos de sus ciudadanos y poner límites legales al uso y abuso de los canales de comunicación globales para realizar tareas de vigilancia y espionaje, voces y organizaciones independientes de todo el mundo están llenando el vacío, imaginando cuáles deberían ser los límites legales y éticos a la intromisión de la intimidad y la limitación de derechos civiles fundamentales.
European Commission for Democracy Through Law
April, 7 2015 - Update of the 2007 Report on the Democratic Oversight of the Security Services and Report on the Democrative Oversight of Signals Intelligence Agencies.
- Bearing these points in mind, it is undoubtedly appropriate to have a proper discussion regarding oversight of strategic surveillance, and such discussions have been occurring in a number of states. The issue became particularly topical as a result of detailed allegations made by a former US National Security Agency (NSA) contractor, Edward Snowden, in June 2013. Fears were expressed as a result of these allegations that the activities of the NSA in particular, but also the equivalent signals intelligence agencies in other states, including several Council of Europe states, involved “mass surveillance”. The concern caused by these allegations about NSA capabilities and practices was exacerbated by the fact that US companies dominate the internet, and the much internet traffic is routed through the internet “backbone” in the US. It led inter alia to the UN General Assembly adopting a resolution on the right to privacy in the digital age[15] an inquiry in the Liberty committee of the European Parliament,[16] and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,[17] to proposals made by service providers[18] and an NGO coalition19 for global regulatory principles.
- International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance. Final version May 2014
European Parliament Report
February 21, 2014 - On the US NSA surveillance programme, surveillance bodies in various Member States and their impact on EU citizens’ fundamental rights and on transatlantic cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs (2013/2188(INI))
- Commends the current discussions, inquiries and reviews concerning the subject of this inquiry in several parts of the world, including through the support of civil society; points to the Global Government Surveillance Reform signed up to by the world’s leading technology companies calling for sweeping changes to national surveillance laws, including an international ban on bulk collection of data, to help preserve the public’s trust in the internet and in their businesses; points to the calls made by hundreds of leading academics,41 civil society organisations42 and 562 international authors, including five Nobel laureates, for an end to mass surveillance; notes with great interest the recommendations published recently by the US President’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies and the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board Report on the Telephone Records Program Conducted under Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and on the Operations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court43; strongly urges governments to take these calls and recommendations fully into account and to overhaul their national frameworks for their intelligence services in order to implement appropriate safeguards and oversight;
- and
Freedom from suspicion: Principles to protect freedom of expression and privacy against mass surveillance
August 1, 2013- by Article 19.
SourceThe Principles reinforce a growing global consensus that human rights must be at the heart of governments’ communications surveillance policy. In April 2013, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression published a landmark report, which drew a devastating picture of how current state surveillance laws severely undermine individual’s privacy, freedom of expression and ability to enjoy their other fundamental human rights.
GCHQ: The NSA’s Little Brother... not so little anymore
September 18, 2014 - by Javier Ruiz.
SourceIt is important that civil society organisations throughout the world concerned about mass surveillance broaden the focus of their attention from the US and the NSA to include the UK and GCHQ. This report summarises some of the key activities of UK surveillance agencies exposed by Edward Snowden.
GISWatch Report - Communications Surveillance in the Digital Age
September, 2014 - by Amie Stepanovich, Drew Mitnick and Kayla Robinson. Chapter on United States of America, The Necessary and Proportionate Principles and the US government.
SourceGlobal action to oppose mass surveillance launched
November 27, 2013 - by infoZine.
SourceAn international coalition of human rights and privacy organizations launched an action center to oppose mass surveillance on the global stage. The new petition site went live just as the United Nations voted on a resolution to recognize the need for the international community to come to terms with new digital surveillance techniques.